A lot of my clients come to me with all sorts of problems and mental health issues. Almost every time they have underlying anxiety issues. We live in a world where mental health issues are at an all time high. Children are suffering from anxiety due to constant pressures in schools and comparing their lives to content they are faced with on social media.
When you suffer from anxiety as a child, if it isn't dealt with, you will suffer with anxiety as an adult. By undergoing hypnotherapy you can learn to understand the feelings that come with anxiety and why you experience those feelings. You can find resolution to the triggers and you can learn to cope with the issues and feelings you have been experiencing. By using other techniques like EFT (tapping) I can help to minimise feelings before any events that trigger anxiety i.e. public speaking, driving test, job interview. I can also help by using mindfullness techniques where you can take yourself out of the fear of what might happen and into the present moment where you are safe and can concentrate on the here and now.
Having suffered with anxiety personally and used hypnotherapy to help get rid of anxiety I can relate to some of the feelings my clients are struggling with. This is where I am driven to acheive the best results for my clients because I know what does and doesn't work. If you have any questions please just get in touch.